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versión On-line ISSN 2079-312X
PESSOA, Fátima y MOREIRA, Hélio. HE ENUNCIATION IN WORKING CONTEXTS: FEATURES OF TECHNICAL AND POLITICAL ORDER. Lingüística [online]. 2016, vol.32, n.2, pp.9-24. ISSN 2079-312X.
This paper proposes a discussion about the centrality of language to carry out the work activities in specific contexts of legal work, situated in criminal spheres. The concepts of discursive practice and activity are mobilized to question the institutional order of the legal work, the debate of the rules that the subject performs in the execution of his labour and the production of text as listening place of his investments in the discursive and working order. Analyzing the composition of reports of a police investigation, we search to understand the process of discursive mediation in the documents that is supposed to be records of actual facts. We understand that this link between the postulates of discourse analysis and Ergology reveals the contribution of linguistics to consider issues relating to the processes of (re) production of the work and the contribution of Ergology to consider issues relating to historical and political determinations on the process of production of meaning
Palabras clave : Discursive practice; Activity; Legal work.