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RESTREPO-PEREZ, Luis Fernando; PERDOMO RUBIO, Alejandro; GARCIA, Lina María  y  TAPIA-REPETTO, Gabriel. Review of Literature on the migration of dentists. Its implications for Latin America and the Caribbean. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2024, vol.26, n.44, e335.  Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 0797-0374.

The international migration of dentists is a growing but little studied phenomenon.


Recognize the approach in scientific literature to the phenomenon of migration of dentists in different regions of the world.


An exploratory systematic review was carried out in PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Lilacs and Web of Science databases in Spanish and English. Objectives, methodologies, problems, themes, main findings and discussions were analyzed. Results 25 selected studies used qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches. They focused on North America, Europe, Oceania and Asia aimed at improving migration policies and adjusting demand-supply. The topics addressed were: migratory flow, demographic data, evaluation and qualification; aspects of the migratory experience; and political conditions of migration. South-North migration or between central countries was discussed, but not south-south migration, nor in Latin America. It is identified that the migration of dentists has repercussions on health systems, equity of care; weaknesses in regulation, information systems and evaluation and qualification of migrants; The reasons for migration can be personal, professional and sociopolitical; Working conditions, cultural adaptation, and migration experiences depend on the personal and professional migratory process and conditions.


It is necessary to carry out research on south-south migration, improve information on migration in the countries of departure. Periphery countries must articulate their efforts with destination countries to better understand the phenomenon, not produce inequalities and guarantee a better flow and job satisfaction of migrant dentists.

Palabras clave : Scoping Review; Migrants; Dentist; work force.

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