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versión impresa ISSN 0797-0374versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
GARCIA BARRAGAN, Jorge et al. Risk of malignant transformation of oral verrucopapillary lesions. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2024, vol.26, n.44, e235. Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 0797-0374.
to evaluate the risk of malignant potential through toluidine blue staining and dysplastic grading of verrucous papillary lesions of the oral cavity (VPLO).
Materials and methods:
patients with VPLO located in the oral cavity were identified to whom toluidine blue was applied and dysplastic changes were subsequently evaluated and graded histopathologically as absent, low or high risk of malignant transformation. Patients who refused toluidine blue staining, did not accept excisional biopsy or had insufficient tissue, or the tissue lack of presence of koilocytes, damage associated with the presence of human papilloma virus were eliminated from the study.
Thirty-four patients with VPLO were included, of which 4 were found to have positive toluidine blue staining. Of these, 3 cases were considered intense and 1 was mild.
VPLO may emit a positive stain to toluidine blue as well as present a heterogeneous variety of architectural and cytological dysplastic changes evaluated histopathologically, which in all samples, according to the binary system, are classified as low risk of malignant transformation.
Palabras clave : Human Papillomavirus; Toluidine blue; dysplasia.