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vol.23 número37Asociación entre Hiperlaxitud Articular Generalizada y Chasquidos de la Articulación Témporo MandibularLa carta al editor en la publicación científica. Consideraciones para su elaboración índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0797-0374versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339


GUGELMEIER, Virginia; LOPEZ JORDI, María del Carmen; GOMEZ, Alicia  y  CORNEJO, Susana. Oral health promotion tool for teachers on dealing with traumatic dental injuries in schoolchildren through the Ceibal network. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.37, e204.  Epub 18-Mayo-2021. ISSN 0797-0374.

Dental trauma affects mainly children, and when they are at school; immediate action improves its prognosis.


To evaluate the implementation of a virtual tool describing the immediate actions to take when children sustain traumatic dental injuries. The tool was included in the nationwide ICT network called Educational Connectivity in Basic Computing for Online Learning (Ceibal network).


A multi-method action-research design was developed. The qualitative analysis was conducted applying descriptive statistics and the quantitative analysis, grounded theory.


A total of 138 responses were received: 92% women, 51% from Montevideo schools, and 13% from rural schools. Four categories were identified in how the situation was addressed. No significant differences were found in people’s opinion of the virtual protocol (web application) when comparing the type of school or location. Regarding satisfaction with the training received, 75% rated it ≥8 (scale 1-10).


Including ICT in activities that promote oral health was positively valued by stakeholders.

Palabras clave : Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); health promotion; dental trauma; Ceibal network.

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