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versión impresa ISSN 0797-0374versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
CASTRO-RODRIGUEZ, Yuri et al. Morphometric characteristics of multirooted teeth and furcation area. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2018, vol.20, n.31, pp.27-33. ISSN 0797-0374.
The aim of this study is to describe the morphometric characteristics of multirooted teeth at the furcation area.
Fifty-four multirooted teeth (maxillary and mandibular teeth) were evaluated using a precision calibrator: root trunk length, root separation, root divergence angle, root length, length of cervical enamel projections and presence of enamel pearls.
The divergence angle of the maxillary distal furcation (50°) was greater than on the buccal (22°) and mesial (37°) aspects. On the mandible it was 25° on the buccal aspect and 22° lingually. No enamel pearls were found. The cervical enamel projections most commonly found were class I on the oral aspect (60% for maxillary teeth and 31% for mandibular teeth). The length of the lingual root trunk was 2.8 mm, and on the buccal aspect it was 2.2 mm.
The root trunk of mandibular molars is larger lingually than on the buccal aspect, as is the palatal area of maxillary molars. In maxillary molars the greater divergence angle appeared at the entrance of the distal furcation, which is the one recommended to start using mechanical instruments.
Palabras clave : furcation defects; periodontal disease; tooth root; periodontal attachment loss; periodontitis.