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versión impresa ISSN 0797-0374versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
BORGIA, Ernesto; BARON, Rosario y BORGIA, José L.. Retrospective clinical study of 656 cast gold inlays/onlays in posterior teeth, in a 5 to 44-year period: Analysis of results. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2018, vol.20, n.31, pp.16-26. ISSN 0797-0374.
1) To assess the clinical performance of 656 cast gold inlay/onlays in a 44-year period; 2) To analyze their indications and distribution regarding the evolution of scientific evidence.
Materials and Methods
. A total of 656 cast gold inlays/onlays had been placed in 100 patients. Out of 2552 registered patients, 210 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The statistical representative sample was 136 patients; 140 were randomly selected and 138 were the patients studied. Twelve variables were analyzed. Data processing was done using Epidat 3.1 and SPPS software 13.0.
At the clinical examination, 536 (81.7%) were still in function and 120 (18.3%) had failed. According to Kaplan-Meier’s method, the estimated mean survival for the whole sample was 77.4% at 39 years and 10 months.
Knowledge updating is an ethical responsibility of professionals, which will allow them to introduce conceptual and clinical changes that consider new scientific evidence.
Palabras clave : inlays/onlays; molar; premolar; dental bonding restorations; scientific evidence-based research; minimally invasive dentistry.