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Print version ISSN 0797-0374On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
FIGUEIREDO, Márcia Cançado; CASSURIAGA, Karoline Farinha and ALVES, Mariana. Dental care for a baby with holoproscephaly: case report. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2015, vol.17, n.26, pp.57-64. ISSN 0797-0374.
The exercise the role of caregiver of a child with birth defects is a difficult task and takes a significant role in the family, to the extent that this person actually wants to become responsible for the care that is why the conduct of health professionals within this context must be specific and quality, in order to provide the necessary support to the family/caregiver.To be able to give an effective care, the professionals must seek knowledge of the syndromes that affect the patients, as well as their behavioral response and their common features. The aimed of this study is to present a case report about a female baby, with disabilities whichinvolve several malformations, including a delay in the normal development and demand undivided care by her parents, who looked for professional care with prevent purpose on the subject named: Atendimento Odontológico ao Paciente com Necessidades Especiais, in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, this paper has the purpose, to call the attention to the handling and care that should be taken in relation to those with disabilities since the moment of his birth by the dentist, providing them, with appropriate means through guidance on the oral hygiene with the purpose of to install and maintain adequate oral health conditions, improving the quality of life for patients with disabilities
Keywords : holoprosencephaly; congenital abnormalities; dentistry; dental care for Disabled.