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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
COLLAZO, Mercedes; HERNANDEZ, Ofelia and SEOANE, Mariana. Peer tutoring: the first curricular and optional experience at the Faculty of Dentistry - UDELAR. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.23, pp.54-66. ISSN 1688-9339.
Abstract In the context of politics promoted by the University of la Republic for students learning, the Faculty of Dentistry presents the first curricular experience for student integration. We verify an important academic delay at first two years of the Dentistry career. The affiliation process might produces, delay and dropout for newcomer. Interpersonal ties presents between peer students generate a persuasive role for continuing studies. Our institution challenge is to articulate strategies that contribute to neutralise the fragility at these stage, generating conditions for a better academic performance. The Support Teaching Unit presents the curricular, optional, theory-practice course experience -Peer Tutoring- focusing on: formation of advanced students for social affective, personal and academic accompaniment to entire entrant cohort; semi voluntary process; an integral and multidisciplinary action of specialist people; mobilization of other institutional support actions; the establishment of an academic, administrative and co-government red of support
Keywords : Student tutoring; Curricular; Admission; Educational Inclusion.