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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
NISIZAKI, Susumu and DERREGIBUS, Lucy. Protocolos de tratamiento y prevención en Gerodontología: Treatment and prevention protocols in Gerodontology. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.23, pp.44-53. ISSN 1688-9339.
In this case, treatment and prevention protocols are guidelines or recommendations addressed to optimize the quality of the attention to elderly people. These protocols are indicated for dentistry; however they can be used in other health fields in general. Recommendations are recorded and arranged in a logical way for a special context. The age-cohort under study is very complex. Is represented by independent, institutionalized, fragile or even patients with different types and levels of dementia. In spite of this, it should be possible to apply protocols in most cases. The advantage of using a preventive treatment protocol is that its quality and application are assured in an efficient and ergonomic way. The purpose of this publication is to show the benefit the use of protocols have, in elderly people
Keywords : protocol.