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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
PATRON, Carina; LOPEZ JORDI, M. del Carmen; PIOVESAN, Sylvia and DEMARIA, Bettina. Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in Odontoestomatología journal. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.23, pp.34-43. ISSN 1688-9339.
OBJECTIVE: To analyse production and consumption indicators from the articles published in Odontoestomatología. METHOD: Full articles were downloaded in XML format. The number of authors and country of origin were registered. Document type, access mode, language, country and year of publication were recorded from the references. RESULTS: 1.419 references are cited in 45 articles: 78.2% journals; Bradford core being 9 journals and the Journal of the American Dental Association was the most cited (45). 37% cite paid subscription journals, 24% paper access and 22% paper or free online. English language is foremost with the United States having 40% of cited journals. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Preference for journals cites, 2) High supremacy of United States and European journals and in English language, 3) Even if subscription journals were more frequently cited, a considerable growth in open access was confirmed, 4) Bradford core was 9 journals which are ranked within the 28 high impact ones (SCImago).
Keywords : Citation analysis; Bibliometrics; Scientific citation indicators; Citation databases.