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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
ARAYA VALLESPIR, Carlos et al. Quality of public dental service based on intangibles perceptions in patients with and without disabilities. Talcahuano. Chile. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.23, pp.4-12. ISSN 1688-9339.
The assessment of the health services for improvement of quality is an activity that produces discussions. The development of a new methodology based on the perception of users about intangibles of the service its today more frequent, taking care about the inclusion of all the groups like families with people with handicap members. It was studied the assigned population in a family health center through a survey validated with SERVPERF methodology in persons with more than 14 years old, with patients with disabilities and without them in the public system. It was detected levels of assessment with statistically significantly differences, the lowest rating was for patients with disabilities. The improvement involves enrichment of the social capital, especially of the back up personal to the professional and strengthening of secondary elements like educative printed material. We have to give a sense to the public service: the satisfaction of the users
Keywords : Quality of services; Handicap patient healthcare.