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versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
LORENZO, Susana et al. Periodontal diseases in young an adult population in Uruguay's provinces: National survey 2010-2011. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.spe, pp.35-46. ISSN 1688-9339.
School of dentistry carried out the First Uruguayan oral health survey in young and adult population , during years 2010 and 2011. Methodology: It was a multistage stratified cluster sample design in all the country (cities with 20.000 inhabitants or more) including 15-24 ys, 35-44 ys, and 65-74ys. Two independent samples were selected: one for the capital (n=563) and one for the rest of the provinces (n= 922) . Basic Methods for population studies were used (WHO, 1997). A clinical examination was conducted to obtain information about dental caries, periodontal diseases, maloclussions and mucosal lesions and a socioeconomic questionnaire was applied at the individuals’ households. WHO, Community Periodontal Index was used within “Projecto Brasil 2010-2011” modifications. Results: adult population (35-44; 65-74), CPI values were 12% and 1.3%, 17% and 6% for periodontal pockets ; there were many excluded sextants (49,7 % y 89,5%).
Palabras clave : Periodontal diseases; population based study; adults.