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versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
OLMOS, Patricia et al. Dental caries, most prevalent oral disease.: A population survey on young and adult people of Uruguay's provinces. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.spe, pp.26-34. ISSN 1688-9339.
The first National Survey of Oral Health in Adults was carried out in 2010 in Uruguay counttry side and now it is possible to describe the prevalence and distribution of caries in adults older than 35 ys. and young people. It was a Cross-sectional study based on WHO “Basic survey Methods”, (1997). A Multistage, stratified cluster sampling design was applied. (n= 922 418:15-24 ys.; 229:35- 44 ys. and 275:65-74 ys.). Caries prevalence was: in women: 94% (CI 91.8-96.1) and 91% (CI 87.8-94.1) in men. DMFT (population): 12,4 (CI: 11.9-12.9);15- 24 ys.: 4,8 (CI 4.3-5.3); 35- 44 ys.:15,8 (CI: 14.7-16.9) and 65- 74 : 24,4 (CI. 23.3-25.5). Conclusions: It was found high prevalence of dental caries increases with age it is highest in women. DMFT components: M component was higher in adults of 35-44ys and 65-74ys than in young people of 15-24ys. There was a fair distance between DMFT and Significant Caries Index (SIC) indicator for young people
Palabras clave : Oral health; dental caries; prevalence.