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versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
FIERRO MONTI, Claudia; SALAZAR SALAZAR, Engel; BRAVO RIVERA, Lorena y PEREZ FLORES, Ma. Antonieta. Initial guidance, counseling quality and feeding form in cleft children. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.21, pp.12-19. ISSN 1688-9339.
The relevance of counseling is based on the fact that the diagnosis of any malformation in children represents a burden and disappointment to their parents. Extra support is required during this sensitive period, which is necessary for children to accept their condition. We describe the type of cleft, the initial orientation, and the quality and practice of nutrition counseling in cleft patients, using a cross-sectional study with non-random sampling among patients in dental service at the Guillermo Grant Benavente regional hospital, Concepción, Chile. We interviewed 36 parents, and 69% of them assessed the quality of information they received as very poor. The information given to the parents, was first provided by the midwives (28%), secondly by the pediatricians (22%), followed by neonatologists, pediatric surgeons (11% each one) and orthodontists (8%). Parents (91%) acknowledged they had received later counseling from orthodontists (11%). Only 13% were exclusively breastfed, while parents (98%) believe that breastfeeding is essential for their children. Parents (95%) are not bound to any parent’s organization of cleft children
Palabras clave : Cleft Lip; Cleft Palate; Counseling; Feeding Methods; Nursing; Infant Care.