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versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
ALVAREZ LOUREIRO, Licet; GUGELMEIER, Virginia y HERMIDA BRUNO, Laura. How do dental students undergoing their career's last year learn?. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.21, pp.4-11. ISSN 1688-9339.
Objetives: 1-Knowing the strategies more frequently used by the students attending Paediatrics II in the Faculty of Dentistry in the year 2010 to succeed in their learning achievements, aiming at improving the didactic strategy of the discipline. 2-To describe the characteristics of the teachers referred to by the students as “significant for their learning process”. Method: Exploratory work was done. A personal survey was carried out, anonymously and self-administered. Results: 79% of the students study alone and among 2- 4 hours daily. 29% use the virtual manual and 62% uses different sources. Supervised clinical practices were identified as facilitators of learning (80%) as were teachers humanistic characteristics Conclusions: To know about how students learn, allow teachers to adapt education strategies and propose more self-regulation study habit. The more marked characteristics of the teachers remembered were: human aspect that which proves the important professional practice role that teachers play
Palabras clave : Dental students; learning strategies; significative learning; didactic; didactic in pediatric dentistry.