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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
RIVA, Raúl et al. Prevalencia de trastornos témporo mandibulares y bruxismo en Uruguay: PARTE I. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2011, vol.13, n.17, pp.54-71. ISSN 1688-9339.
Abstract Objectives: To determine the prevalence of bruxism and TMD in two populations, Montevideo and Interior, of Uruguay. Method: A cross section study at a national level was realized. The sample was a stratifi ed polietapic. Results: The selected and analyzed variables in this first article were: mouth opening degree, muscular pain, TMJ clicking, parafunctional wear facets, headache, story of articular noise, feeling of clenching during sleep and self perception of stress. The following global prevalences were found: for TMD: 55% with al least one symptom, being more prevalent in Montevideo (57%) than in the Interior (53%); with at least one sign: 44%, also being more prevalent in Montevideo (47%) than in the Interior (41%). Regarding active bruxism, to the question of having the feeling of clenching during sleep, a prevalence of 30,72% was found in Montevideo and 23,19% in the Interior, while being or having been a bruxer through the assessment of the parafunctional wear facets had a prevalence of 71,95% in Montevideo and 62,17% in the Interior. Conclusions: With this survey we found the high prevalence of TMD and Bruxism in the uruguayan population and encourage the development of prevention and treatment measures at the collective level
Keywords : Prevalence; Bruxism; Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD).