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versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
CALABRIA DIAZ, Hugo. Prefabricated Fiber PostsClinical aspects. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2010, vol.12, suppl.16, pp.4-22. ISSN 1688-9339.
In 90th decade the Prefabricated Fiber Posts (PFP) were introduced in the market as an alternative to metallic systems (casted, prefabricated and ceramics). They are nowadays in use and in continued modification of their commercials presentations and fixation strategies. Their mechanical qualities, low Elastic Modulus (EM), similar to dentine.rsquo;s, introduce a new paradigm in Endodontically Treated Tooth Rehabilitation: when .ldquo;the post must go along supportively, the banding of dental tissues against the loads.rdquo;. Their esthetic qualities, ease removal, and the possibility of adhesive cementation, have converted them in a proven alternative to the traditional solutions. However, some contradictories results in addition to important difficult of achieving hybridation in root dentine maintain issues to be answered in the future. The PFP are indicated in those a case in which retreatment is foreseen, in young patients with of a high esthetic demand, and each and every time the costs of noble alloys can be avoided. In the present paper clinic and the experimental fundamental of several authors are analyzed, establishing practical arguments for their use. A clinical case in a young patient with a preceding injury record and high esthetic requirements in presented as an example
Palabras clave : Postes Prefabricados de Fibra; Postes Estéticos; Postes Flexibles; Restauración del DET; Prefabricated Fiber Posts; Esthetics Post; Flexible Post; Rehabilitation of Endodontically Treated Tooth.