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vol.12 número14Estudio Comparativo del Complejo Electromiográfico Post-Estímulo del Músculo Masetero en Pacientes Rehabilitados con Prótesis Completa Bimaxilar Mediante Técnica Piezográfica y Técnica Convencional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339


DOMINGUEZ, John Alexis; ORTEGA, Diana Carolina  y  CABRERA, Elizabeth. Bioelectricity levels in amalgam filling with or without intermediate base. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2010, vol.12, n.14, pp.54-57. ISSN 1688-9339.

    The new aesthetic materials have not caused amalgam fillings to be abandoned. For that reason it is important to give dental restorations the necessary elements to last. The purpose of the following paper is to determine the relation between the bioelectricity levels and the presence of intermediate base in amalgam fillings.     The following is a transversal descriptive study, carried out at “Clinica Odontologica de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia” (Dentistry Clinic at Cooperativa de Colombia University) in the city of Pasto during the second academic semester of 2007, taking 30 patients as the sample population. The bioelectricity levels were measured using a Techma tester TM-086 and a sensibility of 20 µA taking microamperes as the measurement unit.     The amalgam fillings with no intermediate base showed the highest bioelectricity levels, with an average of 0.02867 µA (Mann- Whitney - p=0.031) in relation to the ones that had intermediate base which had an average of -0.07133 µA. The New Stetic amalgam filling produced the highest bioelectricity levels with an average of 0.01535 µA (Krustal wallis - p=0.008) in relation to SDI that showed an average of -0.1633 µA and Kerr with an average of -0.098 µA respectively.     When there is a presence of intermediate base, the electricity flow levels in amalgam fillings decrease

Palabras clave : Obturación de amalgama; Corrosión.

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