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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
SILVERA ITURRIOZ, Claudia; CASNATI, Beatriz and LOPEZ JORDI, M. del Carmen. Evolución de las publicaciones científicas en Odontología Uruguay 1910-2007 Parte 1. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2009, vol.11, n.12, pp.51-58. ISSN 1688-9339.
This work was born by an iniciative of the Documentación and Library Center and the Publication's Unit of the School of Dentistry of the Universidad de la República (UDELAR) considering that it was timely to make a bibliometric research about the papers published in national and foreign scientific journals by Uruguayan dentists between 1910 and 2007. The methodology used to evaluate the scientific production was the bibliometric applications to science. The source of information was the OBRA database, a Dental Nacional Bibliografphy compilation created by the School of Dentistry's Documentation and Library Centre of the Universidad de la República. The analyzed variables were: number of original papers published, number of authors, number of journals, number of countries, original country of the journals, thematic area or main signature or topic distribution. The analysis of results allowed reaching interesting conclusions, bringing out several national features and international determinants influence
Keywords : Scientific, publication, indicators, bibliometrics; databases bibliographics; dentistry; Uruguay.