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Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa
versión impresa ISSN 1510-2432versión On-line ISSN 1688-9304
VILLAR-CAVIERES, Natalia; FAUNDEZ-CASANOVA, César; FLORES-CASTANON, Mariana y GONZALEZ, Lorena Garrido. Pedagogical reflection from the corporal aspect of the Nucleus of Corporality and Movement, Chile. Cuad. Investig. Educ. [online]. 2024, vol.15, n.1, e214. Epub 01-Jun-2024. ISSN 1510-2432.
Currently, Chile, through programs proposed by the Ministry of Health, Education and Social Development, has managed to establish the importance of movement. Since 2018, a core called Corporality and Movement that promotes development has been incorporated into the Curricular Bases of Early Childhood Education of bodily expressiveness, respecting children's own processes at different educational levels. This research aims to reflect from an analytical perspective on the psychomotor and motor standpoint on the relationship between the body and movement at early ages for the learning and corporality developed in Chile for early childhood. Through a qualitative methodology from a descriptive approach with narrative and bibliographic analysis, consultation is made with the ministerial bases provided by Chile, as well as articles, books and magazines associated with the subject. According to the literature consulted, the results show that each learning objective presents a specific theory from the motor and psychomotor perspective, which should be reflected in educational classrooms. Therefore, it is concluded that it is necessary to recognize the importance of achieving each learning objective, but from a theoretical perspective, justifying the actions to be taken in each of them, where educators or teachers provide real bodily experiences designed for infants' ages and respecting their bio-psychosocial processes
Palabras clave : reflection; early childhood; learning; educational game; curriculum.