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Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa
versión impresa ISSN 1510-2432versión On-line ISSN 1688-9304
VARGAS CASTRO, Erick Zorobabel. Methodological-didactic problems of the novice teacher: learning to teach in practice. Cuad. Investig. Educ. [online]. 2024, vol.15, n.1, e203. Epub 01-Jun-2024. ISSN 1510-2432.
This research aimed to compile the methodological-didactic problems faced by novice primary school teachers, given their prevalence in the process of learning to teach. Beyond considering them as endemic eventualities for individuals starting their professional practice, these challenges involve the convergence of the "collision with reality" in the school environment, lack of experience, educational gaps, and the absence of timely on-site professional integration. The study adopted a mixed approach, supported by an analytical-explanatory design, from which a non-probabilistic sample of an ideal-type case sample was defined with seventy novice teachers working in primary schools in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. Data were collected by means of two techniques. The first, Critical Incidents, recorded unforeseen conflicting situations at different didactic moments in the class. The second, a Questionnaire, represented an empirical validation analysis using a Likert Scale with contradictory check items. The results expose several indicators and values of teaching practice linked to problem-solving through a trial-error approach, which are spatially and temporally regulated until they can be transferred to similar situations to navigate a chaotic reality projected in four dimensions: 1) Class structure, 2) Didactic interaction, 3) Didactic sequence, 4) Professional self-regulation. It is concluded that addressing the different problems encountered at the beginning of their professional teaching contributes to experiences that diversify the acquisition of practical knowledge between the strategic and procedural.
Palabras clave : beginning teachers; teaching methods; didactics; teaching experience; practice.