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Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa
versión impresa ISSN 1510-2432versión On-line ISSN 1688-9304
RONQUI, Valentina; SANCHEZ, María Fernanda y TRIAS, Daniel. Teaching self-regulation in classrooms of elementary school. Cuad. Investig. Educ. [online]. 2021, vol.12, n.2, pp.5-22. Epub 01-Dic-2021. ISSN 1510-2432.
The explicit teaching of self-regulation can contribute to improve text comprehension, although its effective implementation in classrooms of elementary schools seems to be scarcely extended yet. The objective of this study is to evaluate the incidence of teaching self-regulation strategies in learning regarding the comprehension of written texts through educational intervention to be implemented in classrooms, aimed at supporting the academic learning by elementary students of fifth grade, from texts in the field of Social Sciences. It is expected to determine the intervention effects also for students diagnosed with dyslexia. Sixty nine fifth-grade students from an elementary school from a medium-to-high socioeconomic level of Montevideo city participated in the research, of which 20 had been diagnosed with dyslexia. A quasi-experimental study was carried out with pre-post measures and a quasi-control group. The experimental group participated in an intervention in a classroom carried out by a teacher who focused on teaching strategies of self-regulated learning for reading comprehension of information texts. Said intervention was distributed in twelve sessions of one hour each. Tests of text comprehension, self-regulation learning and reading efficiency were applied. The ANCOVA test and non-parametric statistics were used for different comparisons. Participants in this experimental condition increased significantly their scores for text comprehension and self-regulation. As for children diagnosed with dyslexia in the experimental group, a significant increase in their self-regulation score was observed. Although the intervention in classroom is favorable for all the group of students, the differential effects of self-regulation teaching are under discussion. The characteristics of intervention make its implementation feasible in classrooms of elementary education to address texts comprehension and learning.
Palabras clave : reading comprehension; self-regulated learning; metacognition; strategies; teaching.