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Páginas de Educación
versión On-line ISSN 1688-7468
VACCOTTI, Rodrigo. The Relationship Between Family and School in High School Education. The Perspective of High School Teachers. Pág. Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.12, n.1, pp.164-178. Epub 01-Mayo-2019. ISSN 1688-7468.
Difficulties associated with relationship between family and school appear increasingly as a matter of discussion in the international bibliography. This study seeks to investigate the perspectives of secondary school teachers on the relationship between family and school. For this purpose, a qualitative methodological design was used, including two focus groups among secondary school teachers who, at the time of the study, worked in the first grade. The data generated were then studied using the content analysis technique. Among the main results of the research, which presupposes a first approach to the subject, it stands out that teachers consider the participation of families to be fundamental, but this is not done in an adequate manner because families show some difficulties, institutions do not have clear guidelines to facilitate their approach, and teacher training in this area is insufficient
Palabras clave : family-school relationship; high school; teacher; teacher’s training.