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Páginas de Educación
versión On-line ISSN 1688-7468
MORA OLATE, María Loreto. Migrants in the School: A Proposal of an Intercultural Evaluation Model of Learning. Pág. Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.12, n.1, pp.75-97. Epub 01-Mayo-2019. ISSN 1688-7468.
The schooling of migrant children and young people is a challenge that has not yet been faced by the Chilean educational policy, facing such students to a monocultural curriculum and forms of evaluation derived from a technical paradigm, which make the diversity of knowledge, invisible. The article describes the first phase of the design of a model of intercultural evaluation of learning from a critical reflexive paradigm, using an emancipatory conception of evaluation as a dialogue of knowledge for the improvement and educational equity in migrant education contexts. In the design of the intercultural evaluative model, we considered the theoretical support of the formative evaluation, continuous regulation of learning, teacher meta-evaluation processes and a broader concept of interculturality
Palabras clave : migrants; school; evaluation; learning; critical interculturality.