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Páginas de Educación
versión On-line ISSN 1688-7468
DE GRANDE, Pablo. Is the Problem at Home? Personal Relations and Educational Exclusion in the City of Buenos Aires (2001-2010). Pág. Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.12, n.1, pp.49-74. Epub 01-Mayo-2019. ISSN 1688-7468.
This article analyzes the evolution of the determinants of exclusion from secondary school in the City of Buenos Aires in the 2001-2010. Using census data, probability models has been estimated using logistic regressions to estimate the weight of relational, individual and residential factors for the educational trajectories for young people in the City of Buenos Aires. As main results highlights: the wide variability of the chances of dropping out in relation to the position of the person in the household; the sensibility of such chances to the presence of babies and toddlers in the households; the decreasing elasticity of the scholar drop out in regard to material conditions of the habitat, services and goods of the households
Palabras clave : dropout; inequality; vulnerability; poverty.