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Páginas de Educación
versión On-line ISSN 1688-7468
RAZETO, Alicia. The parent involvement in the education of the children: Four reflections to strengthen the relation between families and schools. Pág. Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.9, n.2, pp.184-201. ISSN 1688-7468.
This essay contributes four reflections to show the relevancy that has the involvement of the families in the educational system, understanding it as a variable of the quality of the education and, to undertaking policies and programs to strengthen the relation between the families and the schools. The worn out reflections consist of the following ones: i) to act of the families influences the success or educational failure of the children; ii) the vulnerable families are in disadvantage from the point of view of his aptitude to support the education of his children and of relating to the school; iii) the state values the participation of the families in the education, though the unfolded initiatives are insufficient and are out of date; iv) it is not necessary to depart from zero: international studies deliver recommendations to strengthen the relation between families and schools
Palabras clave : Relation school-parents; student performance; family; education.