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Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 1688-7026
CARDOZO CARRERO, Dulcinea. The challenges of university accompaniment to collective management undertakings in deinstitutionalization processes in Uruguay. Psicol. Conoc. Soc. [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.3, pp.52-70. Epub 01-Dic-2023. ISSN 1688-7026.
We propose to share results of a research that aimed to study the collective management processes in two self-managed labor enterprises in Uruguay, which work from the perspective of demanicomalization. It was a qualitative, situated and experiential investigation based on the deployment of an ethnography. In this article, we will address the results of two specific objectives, one on the university strategies and methodologies linked to the processes of formation and support of these experiences and another on the strategies deployed to accompany the suffering of the members. We will share some results in relation to the questions: why and what for is it accompanied? What is accompanied? And how is it accompanied? We identified that both projects are carried out by the university extension, based on an incubation process of cooperative ventures made up only of users of mental health services, which we call: self-management-only-of-them. This process involved accompanying and sustaining a double passage; that is, generating a break with the asylum logic and with the salary logic to configure and consolidate a collective management undertaking. This meant for the university teams to accompany and deploy different strategies in relation to the triad: work-welcome-life. We highlighted three transversal components of support, which were not substituting (doing with), supporting other temporalities, and an interdisciplinary and network approach. During the incubation process, a metamorphosis occurs when university graduates decide to integrate the experiences as partners/cooperativists and begin a process that we define as: self-management-of-an-us.
Palabras clave : Accompaniment; incubation of enterprises; collective management; deinstitutionalization.