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Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad
versão On-line ISSN 1688-7026
SOARES, Ana Karla Silva; BARBOSA, Nataly da Cruz Serejo; MOURA, Hysla Magalhães de e REZENDE, Alessandro Teixeira. Perception of fear of death: evaluating its relationship with human values and subjective well-being. Psicol. Conoc. Soc. [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.1, pp.130-146. Epub 01-Jun-2021. ISSN 1688-7026.
The confrontation with human finitude leads to fear and uncertainty. This study evaluated the extent and direction of fear of death related to the valuation priorities and the subjective well-being of individuals. 430 people participated in the present study with an average age of 27 years (SD = 8.34). These responded to the following instruments: Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, Scale of Positive and Negative Affects, Basic Values Survey and demographic questions. The correlation results indicated that the fear of death, both for oneself and for others, was significantly related to all the evaluative subfunctions (except normative in the factor of fear of the self), whereas with the subjective well-being variables, correlation was identified only with negative effects. Furthermore, the regression analysis indicated that the realization and interactive subfunctions and negative affects significantly explained both the fear of death itself and that of others.
Palavras-chave : Death; subjective well-being; humans values.