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Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 1688-7026
MAROTTA, Cecilia. Working with families in social policies: Intervention e invention in community social psychology. Psicol. Conoc. Soc. [online]. 2015, vol.5, n.1, pp.388-413. ISSN 1688-7026.
The article reflects on the psychological intervention with families in the context of current social policies, from the perspective of Community Social Psychology (PSC). The conditions produced by the state have transformed the field of intervention and changes in Uruguayan families challenge the social policy towards them. It is to elucidate how the problems of families living in extreme vulnerability is constructed, the way it has the same for intervention and tensions that occur between the subject of social policy and that postulates the PSC. After the discussion focuses on the proper methodological dimension, considering the uniqueness and potential to acquire psychological practices in the framework of the "proximity methodologies" that are promoted today. Focusing on the potential acquires the link between the operator and the subject of politics, as an enhancer of micro-political transformations. As well as the need to incorporate new theoretical references in approaches with families from the perspective of the PSC. The text ends with the approach of some challenges for social policy towards families and opens an invitation to think about working with families as a stage where various social inequalities are reproduced. Also about building them as a collective subject and the possibilities and limitations of generating psychological practices that favor a subjective positioning of these, within the meaning of political action for the transformation of inequalities.
Palabras clave : Families; Phychological intervention; Social policies.