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vol.30 número2Condiciones de acceso a la participación política de las mujeres en elecciones ejecutivas subnacionales. Evidencia de siete provincias argentinas (1983-2015)Determinantes de la confianza pública en El Salvador: Manejo de la pandemia por el ministro de salud y el presidente índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política

versión impresa ISSN 0797-9789versión On-line ISSN 1688-499X


REBOUCAS BATISTA, Ian  y  LINS, Rodrigo. Watchers and alerts: pandemic and democracy in South America. Rev. Urug. Cienc. Polít. [online]. 2021, vol.30, n.2, pp.41-70.  Epub 01-Dic-2021. ISSN 0797-9789.

Has the first year of the covid-19 pandemic and government measures to address it degraded democracy in South America? Institutes responsible for the study and monitoring of democracy at the global level develop projects to evaluate measures that would bring risks to democratic institutions during the period of public calamity. The concern is justified because once States of Emergency have been declared, the powers of the Executive have expanded and measures to restrict the movement of people have been put in place. But the monitoring institutes have adopted different criteria for the assessment of these risks. In this work, we propose to compare the guards, their criteria, and their alerts for South America, seeking (i) to evaluate discrepancies in monitors’ analysis of this kind, and (ii) to demonstrate how measures to deal with the pandemic presented challenges to the region’s political regimes.

Palabras clave : pandemic; covid-19; South America; democracy.

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