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Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política
versión On-line ISSN 1688-499X
SAUS, Javier Bonilla. LA LEY NATURAL EN LOCKE: The Law of Nature in Locke. Rev. Urug. Cienc. Polít. [online]. 2011, vol.20, n.1, pp.147-164. ISSN 1688-499X.
John Locke decisive role in the configuration of liberalism and empirism grant him a privileged place in philosophical thought. In 1954, Wolfgang Von Leyden published the Essays concerning the Law of Nature, a compilation of young Locke’s germinal thought regarding Natural Law. Although the Essays are not comparable with later works, they show his first steps in political philosophy and made clear the strong relationship of the author with scholastic tradition. This barely known Locke texts contrast with the modern substance of his greater writings. In the Essays he will defend the existence of Natural Law and he will also examine problems like: Which is the right way to know it? Which is its relation with Divine Law? Is it binding for men?
Palabras clave : John Locke; Natural Law/La won Nature; Moral; Reason; Essays.