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Veterinaria (Montevideo)
Print version ISSN 0376-4362On-line version ISSN 1688-4809
FRANCO, Juan et al. Effect of green tea and rosemary extracts on shelf-life of salted lamb patties. Veterinaria (Montev.) [online]. 2021, vol.57, n.215, e506. Epub June 01, 2021. ISSN 0376-4362.
Two commercial antioxidant extracts (GUARDIAN TM 75, rosemary and GUARDIAN TM Green Tea Extract 20S) were evaluated for their antioxidant efficacy in lamb burgers preserved at 2 º C for 9 days. A total of 9 kg of minced meat was used, making the patties in 3 replicates. In each replication, 3 kg of meat were used, which were divided into 1 kg portions, which were mixed in a buffer solution by adding 0,15 M NaCl for each treatment: 1) Control, 2) 400 ppm of extract green tea and 3) 800 ppm rosemary extract respectively. Lamb patties containing 400 and 800 ppm of green tea and rosemary respectively prevented lipid oxidation, evaluated by the TBARS technique (P <0,05). Green tea at 400 ppm prevented discoloration, stabilizing the values of a * (red index) and the C * value (color intensity) of unprocessed patties during storage (p <0,05) These results indicated that green tea and rosemary extract were effective in inhibiting lipid oxidation and green tea preserves red color of raw lamb patties during aerobic and refrigerated storage.
Keywords : natural antioxidants; shelf life; lamb patties.