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Archivos de Medicina Interna

Print version ISSN 0250-3816On-line version ISSN 1688-423X


CAMEJO, Natalia et al. Trastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in uruguayan patients   with HER positive breast cancer. Arch. Med Int [online]. 2015, vol.37, n. 3, pp.109-113. ISSN 0250-3816.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the frequency and severity of Trastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in HER2 positive breast cancer (BC) patients assisted in Oncologic Services  of the Hospital de Clínicas and Asociación Española Primera en Salud. Methods: Retrospective observational study of HER2 positive BC patients from Hospital de Clínicas and Asociación Española under systemic therapy with Trastuzumab (TTZ) from January 2007 to December 2013. Results: The study included 69 patients, most were early BC, mean age was 50,1 years . 27% of the patients developed cardiotoxicity and 26 % of them developed symptomatic heart failure. All patients received adequate medical treatment and the most instances were reversible Conclusions: The frequency of cardiotoxicity observed in the study was 27% (IC 95 %: 16,27; 38,8). With the limitations of the study, it can verify reported similarities with other populations, oscillating frequency between 3.7 and 34%. However, the proportion of patients who had symptomatic heart failure (7%) was  higher than that reported in the literatura wich is 4%.  Cardiotoxicity was reversible in most patients.

Keywords : Breast cancer HER positive; trastuzumab; cardiotoxicity.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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