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Archivos de Medicina Interna
Print version ISSN 0250-3816On-line version ISSN 1688-423X
ARAMBURU, J. Ignacio; VERDIER, Verónica; JAUME, Alejandra and ABOAL, Carlos. Intracranial Haemangiopericytoma: Case report and literature review. Arch. Med Int [online]. 2015, vol.37, n. 1, pp.36-42. ISSN 0250-3816.
INTRODUCTION: the haemangio-pericytoma (HPC) is a rare hypervascular tumor that accounts for less than 1% of all the Central Nervous System (CNS) tumor and approximately 3% of the tumors involving the meninges. They are aggressive tumors that require an energetic therapy including surgery and radiotherapy, despite which the tumors tend to relapse, potentially giving rise to distant metastases. OBJECTIVES: to report the first case where the diagnosis is reached with the comprehensive immuno-histochemistry panel for HPC in Uruguay, and literature review based on that case. MATERIALS AND METHOD: we describe the case of a patient treated at the Hospital de Clínicas. Imaging studies suggested a potential HPC; the patient underwent scheduled surgery and the final diagnosis was reached through the pathology assessment, using immunohistochemistry. A literature review of the condition is presented on the basis of the clinical report. DISCUSSION: at an intracranial level, HPCs have a distribution similar to that of meningiomas, with a dural implantation. They are so much alike meningiomas that they were considered to be a meningoblastic or angiomatous variant of those tumors. Since 1993 they are classified as a separate group with 2 variations: classical, low-grade (grade II) and anaplastic (grade III). The histology test (morphological and immunohistochemistry) is essential, since it reveals the differences between HCPs and meningiomas. As to markers, in accordance with the bibliography, our case was reported as negative for CD 34 but was positive for factor VIIIa. CONCLUSIONS: SNC HPCs are uncommon tumors that behave aggressively; they tend to relapse and cause distant metastases. Hence, it is always crucial to bear this diagnosis in mind when facing a meningeal tumor. A quick diagnosis including histology and immuno-histochemical confirmation allows for a timely aggressive therapy- the only thing that improves prognosis.
Keywords : Meningeal tumor; haemangiopericytoma; FVIIIA; CD34.