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Archivos de Medicina Interna

Print version ISSN 0250-3816On-line version ISSN 1688-423X


BERRUTTI, Dolores; LIMONGI, Gino  and  CANCELA, Mario. Clostridium Difficile Colitis. Arch. Med Int [online]. 2012, vol.34, n.1, pp.4-4. ISSN 0250-3816.

ABSTRACT: Arch Med Interna 2012 - 34(1):17-23 Diarrhea is a common complication due to the evolution of hospitalized patients. Severity on admission and continued stay are strongly associated with the same being the cause of increased morbidity and mortality of affected patients. Clostridium difficile is a common finding being the same partner in a high percentage of those patients presenting with pseudomembranous colitis. During the last decade has seen an increase in the number of cases, with a change in the epidemiological profile posing as serious and/or death in patients without risk factors due to the emergence of a new strain with particular genetic characteristics. The purpose of this review is to update the theme in this new form of presentation, pathogenesis and treatment thereof

Keywords : Diarrhea; Clostridium difficile; Pseudomembranous colitis.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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