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Archivos de Medicina Interna
Print version ISSN 0250-3816On-line version ISSN 1688-423X
SEVRINI, Inés et al. Importance of D Dimer testing in the biologic control of pregnancy in patients with thrombophilia. Arch. Med Int [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.2, pp.25-27. ISSN 0250-3816.
The D-Dimers by ELISA, increased gradually in the course of normal pregnancy and in patients with thrombophilia. Serves as a biological control is these patients for early detection of complications and be able to adjust dose treatment with low molecular weight heparin. The objective is to determine whether D-Dimers by other techniques (D-Dimers: BCS [Enol]) and D-Dimers: STA Compact (Roche) are useful in pregnant women with thrombophilia or suspected. Results: of the 226 patients studied, 93 had no complications and although there is a slight increase in median values of D-Dimer at the end of pregnancy, the increase was not significant. In the 133 patients who developed complications showed no remarkable increase of D-Dimer linked to the presence of any complications. Conclusion: in contrast to other studies published in D-Dimers by ELISA technique, the D-Dimers by BCS and STA Compact technique did not show the expected changes in the different trimesters of pregnancy or with respect to the presence of complications in pregnant women
Keywords : D-Dimer; Pregnancy; Thrombophilia.