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Archivos de Medicina Interna

Print version ISSN 0250-3816On-line version ISSN 1688-423X


TAMOSIUNAS, Gustavo  and  TOLEDO, Mauricio. Chronopharmacology: a new variable that could account for the variability of the therapeutic response. Arch. Med Int [online]. 2010, vol.32, n.4, pp.65-69. ISSN 0250-3816.

During the last 40 years it has been demonstrated that the physiological and patophysiological functions oscillate during cycles of 24 hours (circadian), less than 24 hours (ultradian) and more than 24 hours (infradian), which are called biological rhythms (chronobiology). The present article focuses on how these biological rhythms could be affecting the response to drugs and therapeutics (chronopharmacology, chronoterapy). This study variable could offer new margins for the efficacy and safety of medicines and makes a more rationale use of them.

Keywords : Biological Rhytms; Chronobiology; Chronopharmacology; Chronoterapy.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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