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Ciencias Psicológicas
versión impresa ISSN 1688-4094versión On-line ISSN 1688-4221
BANOS-CHAPARRO, Jonatan et al. Exploring suicide stigma in the Peruvian population: a network analysis. Cienc. Psicol. [online]. 2024, vol.18, n.1, e3150. Epub 01-Jun-2024. ISSN 1688-4094.
The public stigma of suicide is a potential barrier to suicide prevention, an obstacle to seeking professional support, and impairs the psychological and physical well-being of affected individuals. The aim of the study was to analyze the association and centrality of public stigma of suicide in Peruvian adults from the general population. A total of 1013 adults (55.6 % women) responded to a suicide stigma questionnaire. A Gaussian network model was estimated, examining its global and local properties and comparing structures according to sex. The results showed stronger associations between noble and dedicated (r = .57), isolated and lonely (r = .47), immoral and an embarrassment (r = .41). The most central nodes and predictability were immoral, vindictive, a shame, lost, and irresponsible. In addition, for both women and men, the central node was immoral, although women described as vindictive and shameful, while men described as lonely and cowardly. In conclusion, there was evidence of stigmatizing attitudes towards people who die by suicide, with women and men presenting different perceptions. Suicide literacy programs can reduce public stigma in the general population.
Palabras clave : suicide; stereotype; adult; stigma; mental health literacy; network analysis.