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Ciencias Psicológicas
Print version ISSN 1688-4094On-line version ISSN 1688-4221
PAIVA CARVALHO, Patrícia; ROSSATO, Lucas and SCORSOLINI-COMIN, Fabio. Resilience and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in people living with HIV: An integrative review. Cienc. Psicol. [online]. 2023, vol.17, n.2, e2699. Epub Dec 01, 2023. ISSN 1688-4094.
The objective of this integrative literature review was to synthesize the available evidence on the role of resilience in adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV. A committee of independent judges performed systematic searches in the CINAHL, LILACS, PePSIC, PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, Scopus and Web of Science databases/libraries. The data were organized in the Rayyan software. A total of 14 articles published between 2010 and 2021 were retrieved. The results were presented regarding the approach and level of adherence, resilience approach and association between resilience and adherence. In all the studies it was observed that resilience was involved in the ART adherence process, in addition to evidencing the use of different conceptual approaches to resilience, with predominance of a procedural understanding of the construct and scarcity of measuring instruments. The literature review showed that few studies have assessed resilience in people living with HIV and, especially, the relationship between resilience and adherence, despite acknowledging that resilience can modulate a person's ability to deal with the stressors of living with HIV and its health care measures.
Keywords : resilience; HIV/AIDS; treatment adherence and compliance; antiretroviral therapy.