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Ciencias Psicológicas
versión On-line ISSN 1688-4221
LOPEZ PELL, Andrés Fernando et al. SCHEMATIC-GUIDES FOR PROFESSIONALS TO TREAT PERSONALITY DISORDERS, FROM THE MODEL OF YOUNG, KLOSKO AND WHEISHAR (2003). Cienc. Psicol. [online]. 2011, vol.5, n.1, pp.83-115. ISSN 1688-4221.
Psychological treatments for personality disorders have not yet reached a level of protocol as specific as to describe interventions for each session. This could be due, among other factors, to the heterogeneity of cases that make it difficult to design a protocol. Treatments are then based on case conceptualizations supported by theories that determine the objectives and interventions performed. The difficulty to conceptualize from a particular model may be a reason why psychotherapists find problems to make the most appropriate treatment. Addressing this problem, we have designed a set of ‘Professional schematic-guides’ to improve the clinical practice. These one-page-guides were created to have them in front of you during the sessions, and help to conceptualize cases and easily guide the interventions from the model of Young, Klosko y Wheishar (2003). This article describes the process of building guidelines
Palabras clave : personality; disorders; treatment; schema therapy.