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Ciencias Psicológicas
versión On-line ISSN 1688-4221
COSTA BALL, Daniel et al. Family functioning assessment device -FACES IV: Process of adaptation for Montevideo, Uruguay. Cienc. Psicol. [online]. 2009, vol.3, n.1, pp.43-56. ISSN 1688-4221.
: In this article we introduce the first stage in the process of adaptation and standardization of the FACES IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales), an instrument devised to measure family functioning. The Circumplex Model (Olson, 1999) provides theoretical support for the instrument, used in all four of its versions, in international research. Our team has had the endorsement of the author and aimed for the translation and the study of the unidimensionality of the scales of the instrument as initial goals. A total of 584 subjects from the city of Montevideo completed the FACES IV in four consecutive pilot studies, in this article we present the first and the fourth study, completed by 275 subjects. The results for the dimensionality of each scale show that only the chaotic scale is not unidimensional. Provisional reliability for the eight scales was as follow: Balanced cohesion = .71; Balanced flexibility = .64; Disengaged = .77; Enmeshed = .63; Rigid = .68; Chaotic = .65; Communication = .88 and Satisfaction = .94
Palabras clave : Family relationships; Family; Systemic model; Psychometry; Reliability.