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Revista Cirugía del Uruguay

On-line version ISSN 1688-1281


CARRO, Gabriela; SALSAMENDI, José; PUGLIA, Paul  and  GIANNINI, Gabriel. Congenital stenosis of the anal canal. Clinical case. Cir. Urug. [online]. 2024, vol.8, n.1, e307.  Epub Dec 01, 2024. ISSN 1688-1281.

Anal canal stenosis is a rare form of anorectal malformation, representing 1%. There are few registered cases and there is little literature on this entity.

It is an entity where the anus presents a stenosis of variable length, is normo-implanted, with a normal appearance, surrounded by an adequate sphincter complex.

The presence of associated cardiovascular, renal, and osteoarticular malformations must be ruled out, and especially the presence of a presacral mass must be evaluated, which may present teratomas, anterior myelomeingocele, among others.

Surgical treatment consists of respecting the sphincter complex through a posterior approach, without dissection of the anterior face of the rectum.

Due to the presence of a normal surrounding sphincter complex, the intestinal functional prognosis of these patients is excellent.

We present the first clinical case in our setting of a patient with stenosis of the anal canal, its form of presentation, surgical treatment and evolution.

Keywords : anal canal; anorectal malformation; surgery; coloproctology.

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