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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación

Print version ISSN 0255-8122On-line version ISSN 1688-1273


SCHIOPPI, Marcos. EQUINE CAUDA SYNDROME POST ANESTESIA RAQUIDEA. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2018, vol.31, n.1, pp.30-40. ISSN 0255-8122.

The use of regional anesthesia has expanded over the last three decades, more and more professionals opting for this technique versus the administration of general anesthesia. The incidence of SCE equine tail syndrome is reported in approximately 1 patient in 32000. The case of a patient presenting this complication, its treatment and evolution is described.

Keywords : Spinal anesthesia; equine tail syndrome; complications.

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