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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
versión impresa ISSN 0255-8122versión On-line ISSN 1688-1273
NAVARRO-VARGAS, JR et al. SHOULD THE PRESENCE OF FAMILY MEMBERS BE ALLOWED IN RESUSCITATION?. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2018, vol.31, n.1, pp.17-29. ISSN 0255-8122.
The present article starts from the question: what additional benefit does family presence have in the development of cardiopulmonary resuscitation? To solve the question, a review of the published literature in PUBMED, IME, CINHAL, IBECS, MEDES, was made with the terms: family, protocol, family presence during the resuscitation, witnesses, resuscitation, relatives, resuscitation policy. There are arguments in favor and against this measure or policy in resuscitation:
In favor: The accompaniment of family members during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the quick person of the patient's information, the speed and the most professional attitude on the part of the health personnel, and the decrease in anxiety on the part of the family members.
Against: The hospital environment is high risk because there is exposure to many biological accidents, it can also be an unknown and frightening environment for family members, and it can lead to increased stress in the resuscitation team, especially if the team is still in formation and if the relative has knowledge and relationship with this field. On the other hand, it is important the previous opinion of the patient about having a relative present during the care, which in many cases is negative. The institutional protocols where these aspects are contemplated is a factor to consider
Conclusion: more studies are needed where resuscitation considerations are taken into account from the three parties involved, the patient, the relatives and the resuscitation team.
Palabras clave : protocols; presence of relatives during resuscitation; institutional policies.