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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
On-line version ISSN 1688-1273
SOSA, Florencia et al. Evaluación del Rocuronio en la práctica clínica.. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2014, vol.27, n.2, pp.4-4. ISSN 1688-1273.
Evaluation of rocuronium in clinical practice. Rocuronium, nondepolarizing muscle relaxant steroidal type appear on the market in the 90s, its main feature presenting a rapid onset of action, an intermediate duration of action and low power. It is highly sensitive for the relevant muscles for intubation (laryngeal adductors, diaphragm and masseter). As has been proposed as an alternative to succinylcholine and can be used in rapid sequence induction (1) One advantage of this drug is that at high doses (1.2 mg / kg) achieved good conditions for intubation, according to approval studies by FDA, in 42 seconds with a range of 24-102 sec. At regular doses (0.6 mg / Kg) excellent intubation conditions are achieved in most patients in less than 120 seconds (2). High doses increases the relaxation time, an average time of 67 min, with a range of 38-160 min (3) (7). The Spanish Medicines Agency (EMA) believes that a dose of 0.6 mg / k are obtained conditions for the IOT in 60 sec in most patients, 80% of IOT patients conditions were considered excellent (4). The clinical duration (25% spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular transmission) is 30 to 40 minutes at this dose; the total duration (time of spontaneous recovery of 90% of neuromuscular transmission) is 50 minutes. A full dose 1mg / kg rocuronium IOT conditions were obtained within 60 seconds between 93-96% of patients, of these 70% are considered excellent; clinical duration is close to 1 hour (5). While nationally, Andujar et al (6) compared the use of rocuronium in reverse order with the use of succinylcholine, and conclude that intubation conditions are good in both groups achieving a quick airway, in our medium, there is so far no work describing the clinical behavior of rocuronium
Keywords : Rocuronium; Case studies.