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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
On-line version ISSN 1688-1273
CABRERA JORAJURIA, Gabriel and MORALES, Alejandro. Nuevos anticoagulantes y anestesia regional. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2014, vol.27, n.2, pp.3-3. ISSN 1688-1273.
New anticoagulants and regional anesthesia In recent years there has been an increase in the practice of regional anesthesia in patients receiving drugs affecting the physiological coagulation system. The possibility of a spinal hematoma occurs after neuraxial puncture in these patients, uneasy the anesthesiologist. Therefore, it is essential that the anesthesiologist know the mechanism of action of different anticoagulants, their pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties to well define the interval between administration of anticoagulants and neuraxial blockade, catheter removal and resetting anticoagulation allowing associate regional anesthesia and anticoagulation safely for patient1. This work has as main objective to carry out a review of the new anticoagulant drugs and analyze existing recommendations as to make rational and safe use in our daily practice.
Keywords : Anticoagulants; Anesthesia; Conduction.