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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
On-line version ISSN 1688-1273
CASTROMAN, Pablo; AYALA, Walter and BEYHAUT, Neder. Bloqueo de nervios pudendos guiados por radioscopía.: Presentación de Caso Clínico.. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2014, vol.27, n.2, pp.2-2. ISSN 1688-1273.
Block of pudendal nerves guided by radioscopy. Clinical case presentation. The pudendal nerve neuralgia is a rare neuropathic painful picture framed within Chronic Pelvic Pain syndromes characterized by perineal pain that increases with the sitting position. This condition is difficult to treat, there being no consensus on the most effective approach to relieve pain. Blockages of the pudendal nerves play a role in disease diagnosis as well as the interventional approach when it is refractory to conservative treatment. It is described a case of a male patient with clinical diagnosis of bilateral pudendal neuralgia refractory to drug therapy, in which the pudendal nerve blocks were performed with diagnostic and therapeutic criteria. We used to do a technique guided fluoroscopy/radioscopy in ventral decubitus position, via transglútea. We used 0.5% bupivacaine without associated steroids. These blocks obtained greater pain relief at 50% for 4 to 6 weeks must be repeated on 3 occasions. In an attempt to achieve longer-lasting relief from a pulsed radiofrequency pudendal performed without effective analgesic response. We conclude that the pudendal nerve blocks with local anesthetics may be useful in the comprehensive treatment of pudendal neuralgia. The pulsed radiofrequency nerve should be studied further.
Keywords : Pudendal Nerve; Nerve Block.