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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
On-line version ISSN 1688-1273
SAMANIEGO, Anabella and MOURELLE, Pablo. Analgesia intratecal con morfina-fentanil en cirugía cardíaca. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2005, vol.20, n.1, pp.04-11. ISSN 1688-1273.
summary purpose To evaluate the intra and postoperative effect of an intrathecal combination of morphine and fentanil during cardiac surgery. methods A prospective, randomized, single-blind and controlled study was carried out. 21 patients undergoing cardiac surgery were analyzed: 10 patients (Intrathecal group: I T) received a spinal injection of 500 mcg of morphine plus fentanil 1mcg/kg before anesthetic induction. 11 patients (control group:C) did not receive intrathecal opioids. results Patient and surgery characteristics, operative drugs consumption and hemodynamic variables were similar in both groups. Pain intensity and analgesics consumption were significantly lower in the IT group within the first 24 hours in the post-operative period. Even though higher paCO2 values and extubation time were observed in the IT group they were not significant.. One patient required 12 hours of non-invasive respiratory support. conclusions Morphine (500 mcg) combined with fentanil (1mcg/kg) provided post-operative analgesia.
Keywords : Intrathecals opiods; Morphine; Fentanil; Cardiac surgery; Postoperative analgesia.