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vol.19 issue1EVALUACIÓN DE UN MÉTODO DE SEDO - ANALGESIA PARA PUNCIÓN BIÓPSICA PROSTÁTICA TRANSRECTALAbordaje medio para cateterización central de la vena Yugular Interna. author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación

On-line version ISSN 1688-1273


GRUNBERG, Gustavo et al. ANALGESIA INFILTRATIVA EN COLECISTECTOMÍA LAPAROSCÓPICA. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2004, vol.19, n.1, pp.13-20. ISSN 1688-1273.

SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of wound infiltration with local anesthetics in order to decrease postoperative pain in laparoscopic cholecistectomy. A prospective, randomized, double blind study was conducted in forty patients, ASA I-III undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia. Patients were randomized in 2 groups; Group I: received wound infiltration before skin closure, with Bupivacaine 0.25% (25 to 37.5 mg); Group P: control group. Patients were evaluated along the first 2 postoperative hours; pain (according to visual analog scale), opioids requirements, hemodynamic parameters and adverse effects were recorded. RESULTS: Both groups were similar in age, gender, weight, height, patient’s medical record, intraoperative dose of Fentanil, surgery length, and intraoperative cholangiography requirement. Average pain was higher in group P compared to average pain in group I, and the study showed statistically significant difference at the first (p = 0.012) and second hour (p = 0.001). The number of patients that required analgesia with opioids was significantly higher in group P compared to group I (p = 0.0098), and morphine consumption was significantly lower in group I (p = 0.033). Hemodynamic response and adverse effects were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Wound infiltration with Bupivacaine is effective for postoperative pain reduction and decreases opioids requirements in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Keywords : laparoscopic cholecystectomy,; wound infiltration,; Bupivacaine..

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