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Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
versión On-line ISSN 1688-1273
AVIGLIANO, Leonardo A.; CASTROMAN, Pablo J. y SARALEGUI, José. Anestesia para trasplante renopancreático: Experiencia nacional. Anest Analg Reanim [online]. 2003, vol.18, n.2, pp.20-23. ISSN 1688-1273.
The renopancreatic transplantation program has started in June 2002 in the University Hospital. The retrospective analysis of the anesthetic management performed in the first six cases is presented. The simultaneous transplantation of cadaveric kidney and pancreas was performed in all patientes. The anesthesia technique utilized was based in a protocol designed to manage patients scheduled for kidney transplantation in our department. All patients had diabetes that required insulin, with chronic renal faillure in dialisis. To the problems related to these medical diseases, we have to add those related to a long surgery (mean time more than 8 hours). The more remarkable problems were: hyperglycemia, hypokaliemia, metabolic acidosis, hypothermia and bleeding. The presence of two vascular times, with the use of vascular clamps, makes more haemodynamics alterations, with arterial hypotension after the clamps are removed. Adequated monitored and fluid replacement, with control of haemodynamic and metabolic conditions must be the challenge to preserve perfusion and vitality of the transplanted organs.
Palabras clave : Anesthesia for transplantation; Anesthesia for transplantation.